Bring it to the people:
"Shall the City of Chicago and the Chicago Park District stop cutting down trees in Jackson Park and preserve the trees in South Shore Cultural Center Park?"
Jackson ParkJackson Park has historical significance to Chicago.
Air QualityJackson Park is an important resource for carbon offsetting and other tree canopy benefits.
PoliticsUsing public land for private enterprise is a bad precedent in a demographic society.
Public HealthThe rate of asthma in Chicago's children surpasses state and national levels. We need Jackson Park's trees to contribute to Chicago's air quality.
South Shore GentrificationDestroying main transportation arteries historically alters neighborhood balance. Have the impacts of the planned closing of Cornell Drive been evaluated and discussed with South Shore residents' futures in mind?
Finding a site for the OPC that benefits the SouthsideThere is another, better site for Jackson Park: adjacent to Washington Park.
Exchanging ideas, forward planning